Fighting against instincts

I had a moment today where I had to stop myself from running over towards my son, sweep him up into my arms, and prevent him from getting into something that I thought he wasn't suppose to. But I stopped myself. What was wrong with him exploring? Why was my first reaction to stop his inquisitiveness? What would that be teaching him? I didn’t like my reaction so I simply stopped in my tracks and instead I watched him closely.

He looked over at me and smiled so brightly. Kambryn was so happy to get a peak behind the ‘shiny door’ and watching his eyes grow with curiosity filled me with the same happiness. My son has that effect on me, his happiness is contagious.

I took this moment to explain to him that the fridge feels cold. The carrots are orange. The milk is white. A piece of cheese taste yummy. I was proud that I didn’t follow my first instinct and I turned the fridge adventure into a lesson. And the best part of it all was the joy it brought my son.

It’s hard for mom’s to push back their fears and allow their kids to explore their curiosity. We have a natural instinct that wants to keep them safe and that sometimes leads to sheltering. But I want to fight against that natural instinct, not all of the time but in moments that I know won’t lead my son to harm, and I want to give my son the push he needs and allow him to discover. That’s what growing up is all about, no matter how hard it can be on Mother’s, we just have to be a guide at times rather than the protector.

So take the time to stop, enjoy, and explore together.

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