My Best Friend is a One Year Old

The topic of Friendship between a mother and child is such a touchy subject these days. Some parents reach out to their kids and hope for the “Lorelai and Rory” type relationship. Others believe that if they build a friendship with their child that they loose their authority.

Which way is the right way of parenting?

I’m only in the early beginning stages of parenthood and I’m sure there are many stages that kids go through such as “You’re the boss” to “I don’t have to listen to you” to “I’m glad you’re my mom.” I think as Moms, we can be both. And sometimes you have to parent harder during the difficult times.
It’s just that you have to meet in between Mom and Friend. There has to be that healthy amount of both.

With a one year old, I have no problem with that. That doesn’t mean I won’t in the future and lord help me when my child becomes a teenager, sheesh. Gives me cold chills just thinking about it.
I love that I have built a friendship with my son. Even though he can’t form the right words to explain his emotions, he shows them in a different way. When we are out and about in town, we really enjoy lunch dates with just the two of us. I’ll sit there and carry on a full conversation, babbling coming from his end, and we always have a good time. For the most part anyways.

I tell him pretty much everything and this kid knows how to make me laugh. I mean deep belly laughs. There are times that he will crawl to me, place his hand on my cheek and/or give me a kiss just when I need it. He’s so smart that he knows when mommy is having a rough day, sometimes caused by him, and he lets me know that he’s sorry and loves me.

There’s just nothing like that bond between a mother and her child/children. I am so thankful that he is my very best friend.What are your thoughts on building a friendship with your child/children? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Thanks for reading <3

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