Morning Surprise

Sometimes in the mornings before Kambryn and I officially make our way into the living room, I like to set up a little surprise with his toys. I try to make it different each time that I do this for him so that it feels like something new to him. I don’t do this every morning because for one, some mornings aren’t always the smoothest, and secondly because it takes away the surprise factor.

I don’t want him to expect this every morning, I want it to be a mystery. The joy on his face encourages me to keep doing this because he absolutely loves when his toys are spread out and ready to be played with.Not to mention it gives him something to do while I prepare us both some breakfast.

After we eat, I like to take a few minutes and play with him in the floor and here lately we’ve been working on Farm Animal names. The more I work and play with him, the better he is catching on. There is something magical when you realize that you have taught your child something new.

Keeping things fun and interactive has helped my son learn so much. I take pride in watching him grow and am so proud to be his mother. By the way, we love Little People <3.

 Thanks for listening. We hope you have a wonderful day!!

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